Member-only story
30 fake business blog posts someone should have written already
Quit your job. Repeat until rich.

Office life can be hard. It can be harder when every article you read on Forbes is about how millennials will now have to work until they are 70 in order to retire comfortably. It can be even harder when you refresh the page and the number changes in front of your eyes; Sorry, you have to work till you’re 75 now.
After spending your weekend in the fetal position, simultaneously recovering from the weight of the work week you just finished and shielding yourself from the onslaught that awaits you on Monday, you rise from your cowered state with a steely resolve in your eye.
Click. Ding. A revelation. “I need to growth hack my career!” you say to yourself, not entirely sure of what any of those words mean.
So you go to LinkedIn and Medium for inspiration from real people (screw you, Forbes!) — writers and entrepreneurs and coaches and the like—and you start reading. A lot.
First, you learn the one trait Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and whoever the CEO of General Mills is all had, and kick yourself for not developing it earlier. I mean, c’mon! It was right there!
You learn about 20 job interviewing tricks to make sure you land your dream job. “Rad!” you say to…